Weather Forecast

  • Wednesday Increasing Clouds °37°
  • Thursday Partly Sunny 55°37°
  • Friday Mostly Sunny 50°46°

Rates and Ski Map

Gift Certificates

Delivered instantly by email to you or to your gift recipient. So simple! A certificate may be purchased in any denomination & may be used for any retail purchase or service offered at Canterbury Farm. The value on your certificate will carry over until the certificate balance is zero.  These personalized gift certificates will be emailed immediately to the purchaser and/or the recipient, per your request.


Online ticket sales only if you check the ski conditions report before! Credit cards, Venmo, and Cash will be accepted at the ticket booth the day of arrival.

Trail Fees

Adults $20 day  
Children under 12 years old and Seniors $15  
Children under 5 Free!  

Rental of Skis, Skates, Snow Shoes 

Adults $25   
Children under 12 $20  

Skiing  Lessons 

Lessons offered through M-Power Adventures Contact Holly  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Season Pass

Adults $150  Family (2 to 4 family members only) $300
Children under 12 $110   

Used Equipment Sale

We  sell ski equipment. Prices vary, inquire online or give us a call. Children can trade up sizes in the following season.


Open Non Holiday Wednesday to Monday 9 am to 5 pm. Call ahead if you wish to ski on a Tuesday or Wednesday. Holiday  vacation weeks open everyday!
Closed Christmas Day

Ski Trail Map

Ski Map - Click to Enlarge
Click to enlarge